POS in the News, 3/16/09

Mark Blumenthal of Pollster.com discusses last week’s posts here at TQIA: The highly respected Republican polling firm Public Opinion Strategies has started a new company blog. In a busy first week: Bill [McInturff] looks at how long it takes consumer confidence to return, Glen Bolger reviews the Pew Economic Mobility study they conducted with Democratic […]

Wireless Household Study By State

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report detailing estimates of wireless-only households and adults by state.  For researchers this information is a valuable resource because it is the only known estimate by state of wireless-only households.   I was surprised to learn that one in four adults (25.1%) in Oklahoma are in […]

POS in the News, 3/13/09

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Gerald Seib writes: But William McInturff, a Republican pollster who is co-director of The Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, notes that an approval rating in the 60% range is about where new presidents often find themselves about now. Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were in the same range at […]

Once Confidence Is Shaken, It Takes A While To Stir.

(This post was co-authored by Bill McInturff and Julia Sprague) Public Opinion Strategies has been fascinated by the Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index (MCSI) for some time now. The MCSI is a monthly survey, with data available by month since 1978 and by quarter from 1952-1977, which gauges confidence among U.S. consumers. Given the current recession […]

New Survey/Focus Group Findings on Economic Mobility Released

Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research completed a research study for the Economic Mobility Project of the Pew Charitable Trusts. The research measured perceptions of the American Dream and perceptions toward Economic Mobility. The study found a strong belief that individual factors such as hard work and drive play key roles in economic mobility.

Think you’ve been ‘push polled’? Maybe not

(This article was originally published by Politico.com on November 19, 2007) As recent reports about “push polling” on Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s religious affiliation make their way through the newspapers and the blogosphere, I thought it might be helpful to provide a brief pollster’s guide to what constitutes a push poll and what doesn’t. […]

POS in the News, 3/12/09

Patrick Lanne is quoted in an article in the Daily Gazette about the 20th Congressional District race in New York: “It’s not the district that Jerry Solomon had,” said Patrick Lanne of Wilton, a pollster for the Tedisco campaign. […] So what are voters looking for in a candidate? Often they vote based on personality […]

Some Q-Tips For A Clogged Political Party

One of the most interesting public polls I’ve seen this year was released last week by Quinnipiac University. The questionnaire went into detail on a number of issues, and the release included in-depth crosstabs, including partisan breakouts. I’ve often made the case that when Independents are closer to Republicans than to Democrats on an issue, […]

POS in the News 3/11/09

Chris Cillizza discusses this blog in The Fix today: The [folks] over at Public Opinion Strategies, one of the leading GOP political polling firms, have started their own blog designed to turn questions into answers — hence the TQIA blog. (The Fix loves acronyms.) The blog already has some interesting stuff on it including an […]

How Now, Down Dow?

On March 3rd, when asked about the stock markets, President Obama responded by saying, “what I’m looking at is not the day-to-day gyrations in the stock market, but the long-term ability for the United States and the entire world economy to regain its footing. The stock market is sort of like a tracking poll in […]

Public Opinion Strategies