Key Findings Memo Released Publicly
Key Findings Memo Released Publicly
Trump Agenda Presentation d1e
Caitlin Reed Promoted to Partner Release
10 Consequential Slides of 2024 d1M
Partner Neil Newhouse (@KCkid) discussed Trump’s current approval rating with Fox News. “His [Trump’s] approval rating is higher than it was at any point in time during his first term, (voters are) giving him positive marks right now, based not just on the perception of what he…
We turn questions into answers, but it takes bold LEADERS to turn those answers into action. Keep it up Oregon House Republicans! Read more here ()
House Republicans announce legislation to modernize Oregon’s Sanctuary State law
Oregon House Republicans have announced legislation to modernize Oregon’s Sanctuary State law—which was last expanded ...
Partner Micah Roberts’ (@MicahCRob) recent survey of Oregon voters has led State Representative Drazan to introduce a bill protecting women athletes in K-12 sports. The statewide survey found that 69% of Oregon voters oppose the current policy of Oregon School Activities…
A belated brag: @Ameribev long-time pollster, @pollsterguy — Bill McInturff with @POStrategies — was spot on predicting @realDonaldTrump victory all cycle long. He consistently showed us, and our companies, how President Trump would win and why, including the expanded voter base…
Since the founding of Public Opinion Strategies in 1991, the firm has conducted 11 million interviews, completed over 25,000 projects, and currently represents three governors, nine Senators, and 39 Members of Congress. Since 2004, along with its Democratic partner, the firm conducts The NBC News Poll and, since 2007, the CNBC All-America Economic Survey. The firm now has 11 partners, is the largest political and public affairs survey research firm, and among the 50 largest research firms in the country.
We created and today manage a vibrant public affairs practice, having completed more than 7,000 public affairs projects since our founding. The firm represents Fortune 500 companies and over 30 major trade associations and has become the premier health care research firm in the country, having completed more than 1700 focus groups and 1245 surveys on the topic of health care. The firm’s additional areas of expertise range from crisis and brand management, to education, finance, and technology as well as establishing a large research practice focused on the utility and energy sectors.
It’s what we bring to the table that not only makes our firm successful, but, more importantly, makes our clients successful:
Across both political and public affairs research, as our tag line suggests, we work with our clients “Turning Questions into Answers.”
Why Public Opinion Strategies?
At Public Opinion Strategies we have developed a culture and approach to winning. For nearly three decades, Public Opinion Strategies has been helping political candidates win tough campaigns, scoring hard-fought success in the public affairs arena for some of America’s leading corporations and associations, and giving our clients an advantage in their proceedings.
We go into the trenches with our clients to aggressively help them promote their interests. Our success is based on a hands-on model and our total commitment.
We work closely with our clients to develop research that is tailored to meet their specific needs utilizing innovative research methodologies and strategies. Each client and each case require a unique approach, and we are very responsive to the interests of every client.
And, we go beyond just providing the results of the research. Our winning culture is based on our integration as part of the team. A hallmark of our service, we offer strategic analysis and tactical recommendations based on our findings. We believe this provides our clients the winning edge.
Some of the elements of our approach that set us apart include:
Because we have decades of experience in the political and public policy arena, we have a wealth of understanding of some of the most important debates facing the country, ranging from medical malpractice to health care to deregulation issues. We are able to bridge the “policy gap,” which separates us from other researchers. Our policy background gives us a running start, as we are accustomed to delving into complex issues and making them palatable to our target audiences.
Our policy expertise also means we are constantly looking at key issues and topics facing the country. We stay ahead of the curve, and share our knowledge with our clients.
We have years of experience developing communications strategies and testing them empirically. But we know that there are two sides to every battle, and, thus, our approach to research takes into account arguments on both sides. We call it “combat message development.” We want to reflect the debate as closely as possible and therefore each side is given roughly equal weight. It helps our clients understand what they’re up against, how to rebut or challenge the opponent’s position, and what arguments on our side have the most impact when presented in context.
We understand the imperative of having data quickly to make critical decisions. We produce research to meet your timeline, not ours.
Public Opinion Strategies offers a challenging and exciting work environment that provides employees and interns with the opportunity to learn about polling and public policy.
What we offer full-time staff:
If you are looking for a new challenge please review our openings below.
Our use of telephone polling runs the gamut of research: nightly tracking surveys, monthly national omnibus surveys, single issue surveys, benchmarks, brushfire surveys, and business-to-business interviewing. We have the capabilities to conduct telephone surveys among respondents via their landline telephone or their cell phone. Our national surveys generally include at least 65% or more in cell phone users.
Traditional telephone surveys enable researchers to reach a large and representative sample in a short time period, typically three to five days. Quotas are used to control for age, gender, region, and ethnicity across the sample as a whole to allow for only minimal weighting. They can be used to connect with a broad sample such as adults or registered voters, or narrower audiences such as moms of children age 18 or younger, small business owners, hunters, and business decision makers.
Survey research is best used for obtaining a representative sample or broad audience when message confidentiality is a premium.
Roughly once a month, Public Opinion Strategies conducts a national survey of 800 registered voters called a national omnibus. These surveys have multiple clients and cover many different topic areas. Our omnibus product allows a client to obtain national data on key questions for less money than conducting their own individual national stand-alone survey. Most clients ask anywhere from one to twenty questions. Screener and standard demographic questions are included in the cost.
Omnibus surveys are generally in the field for four to five days. This is NOT a panel survey in which we re-contact the same respondents. Our omnibus surveys use Registration Based Sampling (RBS) methodology, which gives us the confidence that our samples are representative of the national registered voter population. This methodology also allows POS to use the “treasure trove” of data found on voter files, including a voter’s actual vote history and modeling scores developed by our voter file vendors. Quotas are used to control for age, gender, region, and ethnicity across the sample as a whole to allow for only minimal weighting. The omnibus includes 50-60% of interviews conducted via cell phones.
Omnibus surveys are best used when a client has a narrow set of questions, flexible timing, and a need for a national representative quantitative sample.
Internet surveys allow for both close-ended and open-ended questions just as on a telephone survey, but in addition respondents can be presented with and evaluate advertising concepts or messaging components. We recommend using internet surveys when trying to complete:
Some examples of this work include:
Respondents are asked to log onto a website with secured password protection either via their desktop computer or mobile device. Depending on the audience being interviewed, an online study can be in the field for a few days or up to several weeks.
Internet surveys are frequently used for targeted research purposes, particularly when trying to reach a very specific, difficult-to-reach constituency. Entirely customizable, online surveys offer clients the benefit of interviewing specific audiences not always possible by telephone (doctors, C-level executives, membership surveys, retail shoppers, etc.) Internet surveys are best used in researching specific, targeted audiences that would otherwise be difficult (and cost-prohibitive) to reach by telephone.
Completing research through respondents’ smartphones is an emerging methodology. Researchers are able to target by both constituency using preset “panels” and by geography using GPS locators. Mobile survey research does not yet comprise an entirely representative sample of the U.S. population (significantly younger); however, researchers can “blend” this methodology with other research techniques. There are some limitations in terms of length of questions and interviews when conducting surveys on mobile phones.
Like an online study, it is possible to test images, videos and other stimuli in a mobile study.
Geo-based mobile research utilizes a respondent panel that is integrated with a geo-locator. Through this technology, respondents can be contacted as they enter a specified area, such as a store or event. For example, this kind of research has been used by national retail chains to track customer experiences, feelings, and observations at thousands of locations across the country in real-time to improve customer experiences, advertising, and in-store displays.
Mobile panelists are invited to participate in the study through a “push” notification to their smartphone. Surveys can often be fielded within several hours; however, some targeted audiences may need several days or even a week to complete.
Mobile research offers convenience (respondents can start and pause or chose when to take a survey), interaction (through cameras and web-access), the ability to reach specific audiences (moms, swing voters, customers of a specific store, event attendees) and speed (you can reach respondents anywhere, anytime).
In addition to traditional live interview polling, POS conducts IVR+ polling, which is traditional interactive voice response (IVR) research, with added quota and sample management. Like a traditional IVR survey, IVR+ uses pre-recorded questions that respondents answer using their telephone keypad. With the quota and sample management, our IVR+ survey option allows for strict age, gender, region, and ethnicity quotas to be put on our dialing to ensure that the poll is demographically sound and representative of the overall population. This is different than traditional IVR polling, where significant weighting is often done in order to create a representative sample.
We often supplement the IVR polls with live cell phone interviews, as IVR surveys can only be conducted on landlines. This ensures that voters who only use cell phones are included in the survey, which is particularly important since the number of wireless only households continues to grow each year.
IVR+ surveys are typically in the field between 2-4 days, depending on the sample size and geography. Since IVR+ surveys have a maximum length of about 5-6 minutes of questions, they are best for conducting shorter, brushfire surveys.
We have also utilized the IVR+ methodology to conduct “rapid response” one-night polling. Since much of the interviewing is conducted using IVR technology rather than live interviewers, it is possible to conduct large-scale surveys in a shorter timeframe.
Applications for IVR+ surveys include:
Panel research involves recruiting a group of respondents who have agreed to take part in surveys over a set period of time. These respondents usually share an extensive amount of information about themselves and their households, which can be used for appropriate sample selection.
Census research involves attempting to survey an entire group of targeted respondents. If a client has a select list of targeted respondents they want to survey, we target all respondents and attempt to complete a full census of the audience.
In panel research, a respondent agrees to become a panel member. The member is defined by any number of variables — age, income, type of work, purchasing/decision-making power, etc. Even psychographic characteristics may be used in member selection. Members participate over time in a series of research studies covering either one or multiple topics. A census can be accomplished in the same manner, in which respondents participate over time in a series of surveys.
This research is particularly useful for longitudinal studies where researchers want to track ideas and views over a set period of time among a specific audience and when you want a full view of how a specific target population feels about an issue.
Some target audiences can be difficult to survey by telephone or internet, so we recommend using a mail survey to reach them.
An initial mailing is sent out that usually includes a cover letter from the client inviting the member/respondent to take the survey and explaining the purpose of the study, a survey questionnaire, and a postage-paid return envelope. Reminder postcards are also sent out periodically encouraging respondents to fill out the survey and return it. To help increase response rates and to offer members/respondents another method of completing the survey, we often include a web address in the initial survey and on the reminder postcard so respondents can go online to take the survey if it is more convenient for them, or in case they have misplaced their questionnaire.
Mail surveys are typically used for membership studies or customer surveys in cases where the client does not have email or phone contact information for respondents. They can also be used to contact difficult-to-reach audiences.
At Public Opinion Strategies, we bring a deep expertise in public opinion research to support legal teams in the crucial process of jury selection. Our specialized pre-jury selection surveys provide data-driven insights into the attitudes, biases, and predispositions of potential jurors. By tailoring survey questions to identify key demographic, attitudinal, and case-relevant factors, we help legal teams better understand the profiles most likely to reach a favorable verdict.
Our approach combines advanced survey techniques and rigorous statistical analysis to deliver clear, actionable results. We work closely with you to design and execute surveys that reveal how various backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences might impact a potential juror’s perceptions of your case. This vital information allows your team to make informed decisions during voir dire, maximize peremptory challenges, and optimize jury composition.
With Public Opinion Strategies as your partner, you can approach jury selection with confidence, knowing that your strategy is grounded in reliable and objective data.
Focus groups are a gathering of roughly eight to ten respondents for discussion on a particular topic. The purpose of focus groups is to explore in-depth different messaging and language and to test respondents’ detailed reactions to certain stimuli or informational materials. By their very nature focus groups add a depth of understanding to any research question – they tell a skilled researcher “why,” “how,” and “what.”
Focus groups are a good starting point in the research process, because language matters – and focus groups provide invaluable insight into how to structure information and help determine what is working or not working. This type of research is a core step in developing effective and successful messages or products. We use a number of unique focus group techniques to test messaging, language, informational materials, and creative executions, which aid in eliciting interesting ideas and concepts from respondents. We also use multiple levels of emotional-psychological projective exercises and deep-dive probes in our groups.
Focus groups are generally two hours long and are conducted in professional focus group facilities. These facilities provide the client with an interactive opportunity to view the groups as they take place via a one-way mirror. This also allows for interaction with the moderator and provides for spontaneous probes and questions during the groups. All groups are audio and video recorded, and we have the capability for groups to be webcasted which alleviates the need for clients to travel to multiple cities.
In areas without a professional focus group facility, we reserve adjoining conference rooms in a conveniently located hotel or conference center. One room is used to hold the focus group discussion, while clients discreetly observe on closed-circuit TV in the adjoining room.
Focus groups are highly customizable and can be tailored to both constituency (business leaders, customers, health care providers, investors, patients, purchasers, seniors, swing voters, uninsured, etc.) and topic area (corporate image, education, health care, local issues, politics, technology, etc.).
Perception Analyzer™ dial groups share both qualitative and quantitative aspects: they are qualitative like traditional in-person focus groups in that a small number of people are interviewed in a group setting and quantitative in that real-time data is collected through a wireless hand-held device and PC set-up. Perception Analyzer™ groups utilize a real-time response measurement research technique to gather instantaneous data from a group of respondents who are subjected to an input stimulus, for example a speech or a television commercial.
Complete demographic profiles can be run for the data collected, and clients in attendance can see the results as they are collected. Dial groups are especially useful in comparing advertising, either within the same line, i.e., to test which ad for a product or concept works best, or against your competitor’s advertising. In addition, this technique is well-suited to measuring reaction to television shows, company videos and other message and content-driven materials, such as speeches, sales presentations, corporate reports, and brochures.
Roughly 30-40 respondents are recruited for a dial group session. The dial session is roughly 45 minutes to an hour and then respondents are broken up into smaller focus group discussion sessions of roughly 10-15 respondents.
Public Opinion Strategies has used this technique successfully for advertising testing, both message and visual content, for a number of clients. We have completed hundreds of Perception Analyzer™ groups, testing material such as political campaign ads, corporate ads, candidate speeches and debates (both live and after the fact), public awareness spots, segments of television shows and radio ads.
We have used Perception Analyzer™ dials to do extensive media testing at the presidential campaign level, for major health care initiatives, and for a variety of corporate clients.
Dial groups are conducted in professional focus group facilities. These facilities provide the client with an interactive opportunity to view the groups as they take place via a one-way mirror. This also allows for interaction with the moderator and provides for spontaneous probes and questions during the groups. All groups are audio and video recorded, and we have the capability for groups to be webcasted which alleviates the need for clients to travel to multiple cities.
In areas without a professional focus group facility, we reserve adjoining conference rooms in a conveniently located hotel or conference center. One room is used to hold the group discussion, while clients discreetly observe on closed-circuit TV in the adjoining room.
Dial groups are well-suited for measuring reactions to content-driven materials, such as television shows, TV and radio advertisements, speeches and debates, and news clips. Recruited participants can be targeted by constituency or target audience.
Sometimes in-person focus groups are not possible if a project involves a highly targeted audience or if respondents are geographically scattered. In these cases, we often conduct focus groups on the Internet via a bulletin board online discussion.
This methodology allows respondents from around the country to log into a bulletin board discussion group at different times during the day that are convenient to them to answer questions posted by a moderator while reading and responding to other participants’ posts. It tends to be more of an online community for participants. Respondents can also view printed materials, advertising and animatics online for evaluation. All of the discussion is visible on-screen to the moderator, the participants, and the clients. These discussion groups have between 15-40 respondents per board and take place over a period of time – typically 3-5 days – with respondents participating twice each day.
Some advantages to using bulletin board discussion groups:
If desired, we also have the capability to conduct bulletin boards accessible through respondents’ smartphones. This feature allows participants to post messages, pictures and videos to the bulletin board from anywhere.
Clients are able to follow the conversation thread online at their convenience and interact with the moderator over the course of the session to maximize learning opportunities.
At a specific day and time, the session is launched. Using any recent browser version, participants simply log in and go. The moderator posts a series of questions throughout the day. Respondents are able to respond at times that are convenient to them and interact with other board participants.
Just like in a traditional focus group facility, bulletin board discussion groups have a virtual backroom that allows for moderator and client interaction. Respondents are not able to see any of the activity that occurs in the virtual back room.
Online bulletin board groups are used when a traditional focus group is not feasible due to disparity of geographic locations, a need for anonymity, or a very highly targeted respondent type. They also work well with executive level respondents.
We have utilized bulletin boards for long-term qualitative research and tracking studies, where respondents participate weekly over the course to 2-3 months. This format allows us to track changes in opinion over time, gauge the impact of news events on political campaigns and gives respondents time to reflect on and revisit issues over the course of several weeks/months.
This methodology is also useful when testing media, websites and other stimuli. Since respondents are able to review the materials at their convenience, it gives respondents time to explore websites and read longer messaging statements that we can typically cover in a focus group format.
Real-time focus groups allow us to interact in with a small or large group of participants online. These groups are a free-form discussion similar to an instant message discussion with multiple people. Like a traditional in-person focus group, we can ask closed- or open-ended questions, and test virtually any kind of message media.
At a specific day and time, the session is launched. Using any recent browser version, participants simply log in and go. Sessions can be thirty to ninety minutes in duration and include up to 30 participants. The moderator can easily create new questions or new free-form discussions “on-the-fly.” Clients are able to log into a session as observers as they take place.
Like traditional in-person groups, internet groups are highly customizable and can be tailored to both constituency and topic area. We generally recommend this kind of research for highly targeted or geographically dispersed audiences.
This research methodology allows us to speak with very targeted or hard-to-reach audiences. IDIs allow for a more in-depth, candid discussion and probing on specific issues than a traditional focus group. We explore in-depth what is most important to an individual respondent and how an issue personally affects them. These interviews give a more detailed look at an individual’s attitudes and feelings about an issue and what language resonates most with an individual. The interview is roughly 30 minutes to an hour in length.
One-on-one in-depth interviewing can be conducted over the telephone or in-person depending on the sensitivity of the subject matter to be explored. We recommend conducting the in-person IDIs at a professional focus groups facility in order to provide audio and video recording as well as allowing for client observation of the interviews.
IDIs are typically conducted with very high-level respondents (CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, elected officials, policy leaders, etc.). They are generally not a “stand-alone” research segment but completed as part of an overall research plan including other elements.
Mobile qualitative research allows respondents to engage in a discussion session from their mobile phones through text (SMS) responses. Participants are able to send both text responses and images to respond to questions posed by a moderator. We are able to target both by constituency through the use of preset “panels” and by geography using GPS locators.
Over a period of days or weeks, participants respond to pre-written questions that are sent to them throughout the day. A mobile qualitative study can be as small as a traditional focus group (approximately 8-10 respondents) or as large as 100 respondents.
Mobile qualitative studies are highly customizable. They are particularly well-suited to project or track respondents’ behavior or reaction to events as they occur. Mobile qualitative allows us to test advertising regardless of the location of respondents, with nearly immediate turn-around time. These kinds of studies allow respondents to quickly and easily log their behavior and day-to-day experiences.
A triad focus group is smaller in size (generally three participants) and shorter in length (usually one to one and a half hours) than a traditional focus group. We suggest triads for more targeted and/or harder-to-reach audiences, as they tend to work better in smaller groups. Like traditional focus groups, triad focus groups allow for in-depth discussion about issues, as well as reactions to specific products, advertising, or initiatives.
Like traditional focus groups, triads are conducted in professional focus group facilities. These facilities provide the client with an interactive opportunity to view the groups as they take place via a one-way mirror. This also allows for interaction with the moderator and provides for spontaneous probes and questions during the groups. All groups are audio and video recorded, and we have the capability for groups to be webcasted which alleviates the need for clients to travel to multiple cities.
In areas without a professional focus group facility, we reserve adjoining conference rooms in a conveniently located hotel or conference center. One room is used to hold the group discussion, while clients discreetly observe on closed-circuit TV in the adjoining room.
Triads are also highly customizable and can be tailored to both constituency (business leaders, customers, health care providers, investors, patients, purchasers, seniors, swing voters, uninsured, etc.) and topic area (corporate image, education, health care, local issues, politics, technology, etc.). We generally recommend this type of research for very high level/executive audiences.
Webcam focus groups can be used as a substitute for in-person focus groups. Using a streaming video platform, the moderator is able to interact in real-time with up to eight participants. This methodology allows us to conduct “face-to-face” research among geographically dispersed or hard-to-reach audiences that would not be possible to reach through traditional in-person focus groups.
The webcam focus group platform is launched at a specific time and date. The moderator, respondents, and the client simply login to a secure website. Real-time tech support is also provided.
Generally, these groups last about 60-90 minutes, but longer sessions are possible. Both clients and respondents generally find webcam focus groups to be quite convenient since they are able to participate from their home or office and do not have to travel to a professional focus group facility.
Much like an in-person focus group, there is a virtual backroom where the clients observe and interact with the moderator.
Webcam focus groups work well for hard-to-reach and geographically dispersed audiences. They are highly customizable.
Public Opinion Strategies provides the strategic information that gives our clients a WINNING edge. In the last eight election cycles, Public Opinion Strategies (POS) has helped elect over 90 new members of the U.S. House, more than any other polling firm, Democrat or Republican. We are the largest Republican polling firm in the country. Our political client base includes nine U.S. Senators, five Governors, over 40 Members of Congress, and numerous state legislative caucuses.
We don’t take credit for these victories, but we DO feel we help make a difference for the campaigns we are involved in by providing accurate numbers and solid advice.
Partners at POS have been named “Pollsters of the Year” numerous times by the American Association of Political Consultants. Glen Bolger and Neil Newhouse have both won this award three times — the only two three-time winners of this award.
Our firm does not just begin assisting campaigns at the Congressional level. In fact, we have been working with many of our clients from their days serving on city councils and in state legislatures. The same skills that make us successful in statewide and Congressional campaigns translate into victories for our clients in critical down-ballot races from Attorney General to Supreme Court Justice to Mayor.
Public Opinion Strategies has polled for legislative caucuses and candidates in 45 states, completing over 5,700 separate surveys and over 1.7 million interviews on behalf of state legislative candidates and committees.
In addition, we are proud of the record we have established in initiative campaigns at the state, regional and local level. This is an increasingly important area of expertise in our political campaign research – from local school bond initiatives to multi-million dollar statewide ballot measure campaigns. For example, no other polling firm in the country has more experience or seen more success in stadium and sports-related research.
Public Opinion Strategies has established itself as a specialist in “combat message development” — the science of creating effective messages in which the opposing side is aggressively engaged. We do more than simply monitor public opinion; we develop messages that defend our client’s interests while impacting complex public policy issues.
Our political background enables us to measure the differences between stated attitudes and likely behavior. Most non-political pollsters simply focus on people’s reactions to simple questions, measuring what people “want” to do, rather than what they will really do upon learning the trade-offs and costs involved in the issue. Our years of political campaign experience also mean we are used to working under tight deadlines and significant pressure and can complete projects within the deadlines required.
We’ve been involved in some of the most complex public policy battles of the decade, working with industry coalitions, government entities and private companies on these and other issues:
This issue-related work has also extended to corporate image, community relations, and crisis management research for local companies, Fortune 500 corporations and industry associations throughout the country. Moreover, we are used to seeking out and interviewing hard-to-contact audiences, be they Silicon Valley executives, medical professionals, association members, or frequent flyers. Some of the industries and organizations we have assisted include:
Public Opinion Strategies has a long history of conducting research for some of America’s leading corporations and associations—often in sensitive situations under the glare of the media spotlight.
Central to our corporate work is an evaluation of a company’s overall image and brand. We probe consumer attitudes about brands, products, and entire industries and assess public opinion about such issues as corporate responsibility, community relations, political and economic policy, and other key areas of industry interest.
Our researchers employ a combination of techniques including one-on-one interviews, internet surveys, telephone polling, and focus groups, all targeted at well-defined and often difficult-to-reach audiences such as government policymakers, industry thought leaders, and consumers with special interests and specific purchasing habits. Conducted at regular intervals, these studies allow a company to monitor its image and its customers' satisfaction levels over time and evaluate how well the company’s performance stacks up against its competitors'.
But our work goes well beyond data gathering. Analysis of our findings yields valuable insights into consumer values, aspirations, and concerns as well as a company’s market position relative to other businesses in the field. Understanding precisely how the public perceives and relates to a company allows it to be more proactive in shaping its image by developing a communications strategy that plays on its strengths and addresses its weaknesses.
We help develop and explore key marketing messages and advertising concepts, and we test them to determine which messages resonate best with target audiences. In times of crises, when a company is facing widespread customer dissatisfaction, negative public opinion, or critical press, our rapid turnaround helps companies respond quickly and effectively to the immediate situation, contain the damage to its reputation, and develop a communications plan that will restore its image.
Consider a few case studies:
The POS Team is a shining light during a time when candidates and the American public are losing trust in polls. Because of their accurate polling, we were able to build a sound campaign strategy to win over undecided voters — and it worked! Our campaign prevailed by numbers larger than we imagined. We cannot thank Glen Bolger and his team enough.
The Beltway media said we had no chance, but George Nassar believed in me and our campaign, and gave me a clear path to victory. George was more than just a pollster who got the numbers right; he was a critical part of the team and involved in every aspect of the campaign from messaging to voter targeting. His strategic guidance helped me pull off the biggest election upset of this tumultuous cycle – flipping a California House seat to Republican for the first time in over two decades.
Public Opinion Strategies polling in Wisconsin was well within the margin of error and on the mark. And we have the majority to prove it.
In the aftermath of some pretty bad polling this cycle, look no further than Glen Bolger and the POS team for real results. POS accuracy for our race was consistent and laughed at by many prognosticators. Who is laughing now? Good polling is crucial for targeting our messaging and POS is rock solid.
Neil Newhouse has been a part of Team Fitzpatrick since day one. His ability to analyze the data and offer a clear path forward is an invaluable asset to this team. We know we can always trust the conclusions drawn from the data he provides.
Our pollster Patrick Lanne has been at the heart of the Katko campaign team since 2014. He has been dead on every cycle. His surveys are at the center of our campaign strategy and inform everything we do, from our paid media effort to our ground game. His deep understanding of the data allows us to make major calls in a campaign that saw record spending and the start of New York’s early voting and absentee surge. While Democratic-aligned polls had this race wrong, Public Opinion Strategies was right, and kept us on course.
The pollsters at Public Opinion Strategies hit the nail on the head in several battleground races for us this cycle, providing important advice on messaging, and helping many of our candidates find the path to victory.
Public Opinion Strategies helped us to clarify what we wanted to learn and then conducted research and analysis that shed light even beyond the questions we set out to ask. They were very receptive to our suggestions, responsive to our queries, and flexible when we needed them to be.
Public Opinion Strategies has consistently offered unparalleled advice and spot-on polling that has shaped how and where we spent money and deployed key resources. Additionally, they have always been an excellent steward of limited campaign resources, ensuring we spend wisely and not a dollar more than necessary in order to get the information we need.
Public Opinion Strategies is one of our go-to pollsters when it comes to testing public support for bond ballot measures and other initiative proposals. They are available to provide ongoing consultation with regard to crafting of ballot questions, public outreach messaging, and related efforts.
ACLI has worked with Public Opinion Strategies for decades, through several tough industry battles—often ones in which public opinion does not naturally fall on the side of insurers. Yet, Bill and his team consistently provide invaluable strategic advice by refining our messages and helping us frame our issues in a way that makes them understandable and persuasive.
Nicole McCleskey and the team at Public Opinion Strategies have been invaluable to me, both during my campaigns and as Governor of the State of New Mexico. It’s not just the accuracy of their numbers, but guiding the overall strategy that makes them so valuable.
Public Opinion Strategies has been a part of our team in Missouri for more than a decade. With their data and guidance, Republicans here were able to attain a majority in the House in 2002 for the first time in fifty years, and we have been able to grow that majority to the point that we now have a record, veto-proof majority.
In my tenure at two leading business associations, facing huge and complex consumer issues, I have benefitted enormously from the objective advisory skills of Bill and his team. They do their homework and they are rigorous, dispassionate and thoughtful. Turning questions into answers is a clever tag, but it’s also an apt description of the professional talents of the firm.
I consider Public Opinion Strategies to be a part of our team. That is the way we have always worked. They have helped us to understand our needs and fashioned research solutions to meet those needs. They have helped us to meet killer deadlines by being flexible, executing rapidly, and insuring quality. Teamwork is the best way to describe it.
Accuracy, speed, and deep knowledge of key issues and public sentiment are the hallmarks of quality opinion research, and on these measures Public Opinion Strategies consistently delivers. I have had the pleasure of working with Public Opinion Strategies for more than 15 years on dozens of issues, and they are undoubtedly the gold standard.
Public Opinion Strategies’ track record of success and wealth of experience in political campaigns and issue advocacy are why they are one of the most trusted and well respected public opinion firms in Washington, D.C. Their insights and perspectives have helped to inform a wide array of public affairs activities across multiple industries.