What’s Changing? The Latest on American Opinion about COVID and our Health Care System

Friends and clients:

A new national survey conducted by Public Opinion Strategies in partnership with Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock examines American attitudes on the U.S. health care system and hospitals nearly two fully years into the COVID-19 pandemic. A few takeaways:

  • When it comes to information about critical health issues, a large majority of Americans continue to trust nurses (87%), doctors (85%) and hospitals (76%), although there has been some erosion in the strength of trust over the last year.
  • Americans’ top concerns about hospitals heavily center on shortages of hospital staff (47%) and the cost of care (45%).
  • More than one-half of healthcare workers say they are experiencing significant burnout. Nurses, women and younger health care workers are among the groups most likely to say they are burned out.
  • More than 1-in-10 health care workers say they are unlikely to continue their career in health care following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please click here to see the full poll release and results.


Nicole McCleskey and Jarrett Lewis

Public Opinion Strategies