As part of our continuing series of focus groups among Walmart Moms, Neil Newhouse of Public Opinion Strategies and Margie Omero of Purple Strategies conducted two focus groups on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. We have tracked these Walmart Moms – defined as voters with children under 18 in their household and who shopped at Walmart at least once in the past month – since the 2008 election cycle, and they continue to be a key swing voter group, making up approximately 14-17{09f965da52dc6ab4c1643a77bd40d1f729d807040cd8db540234bb981a782222} of the electorate.
The first group was conducted in Pittsburgh, PA among Republican voters, less than a week before the Pennsylvania Presidential primary election. The group captures the sentiment about the upcoming primary and probes opinions towards the various scenarios that could unfold at the Republican Convention in July.
The second group, conducted in the Philadelphia, PA suburbs, was among swing voters, and showed these voters’ pessimism towards the direction of the country, their attitudes towards the candidates running for the Republican and Democratic nominations, as well their feelings about the potential Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton match-up.
The full focus group videos can be viewed here: Walmart Mom Focus Group Video
See our key findings memo here: Walmart Mom Memo April 2016
Related article: Among this group of GOP primary voters, Trump is the Porsche of candidates