Public Opinion Strategies in conjunction with Democratic firm Momentum Analysis, conducted a three-day online discussion among Walmart Moms (defined as voters with children age 18 or younger living at home and who shop at Walmart at least once per month) in five key states: FL, NV, OH, PA & VA.
Our two firms have been closely following this important voter group since 2008 and we have consistently found that they are truly swing voters. With six months to go before the election, we thought it was time to check in with Walmart Moms again. What we heard is that these moms are still very much undecided in how they’ll vote and have yet to feel like candidates are really connecting with them on the issues that matter most.
While Washington and the media may be focused on the so-called War on Women, these moms are not. They’re not focused on “women’s issues” right now. Instead, they care about the economy, jobs, gas prices and education. As they listen to the political dialogue these moms have become jaded by the political process and believe Washington is out-of-touch.
Click here to read more about what we heard from Walmart Moms in this online discussion panel.
And, check out our previous research among Walmart Moms:
October 2011 National Survey of Walmart Moms
October 2011 Focus Groups Among Walmart Moms
October 2010 Walmart Mom Multi-State Survey
June 2010 Walmart Moms: Feeling the Economic Stress & Carrying the “Mother Load.”
June 2010 Walmart Moms: Up for Grabs Again in 2010
June 2010 Walmart Moms: National Internet Survey of Women Voters