Bill McInturff was quoted in a Wall Street Journal piece regarding a recent POS poll outlining the President’s ever increasing disapproval ratings. Bill said the poll “paints a sharper portrait of a president who… has lost some personal veneer. As these difficult events pile up, the VA, the soldier exchange, what’s happening in Iraq, the cumulative impact of these are bending and bowing the presidency in a way that historically has meant a difficult election for the Democrats.” He was quoted again in another article by the WSJ, stating that “the cumulative impact of these are bending and bowing the presidency in a way that historically has meant a difficult election (for the president’s party). Its going to be a very good Republican year.”
Bill McInturff was quoted in an article posted by NBC regarding a recent poll showing President Obama’s failing overall job approval and foreign policy approval ratings. Bill was quoted as saying “This is a bad poll for President Obama, and not a good poll for anybody else.”
Bill McInturffwas quoted by NBC regarding how divided America is over Hillary Clinton’s potential run for POTUS. Bill commented on the POS/Hart Research Associates poll stating “It’s not surprising that, as she moves from being secretary of state to being the 2016 candidate, she’s going through a different filter in how she’s being viewed and how she’s being viewed is through an increasingly partisan lens.”
Bill McInturff was quoted in an NBC article showing that more Americans no longer blame poverty on the poor.
Politico quoted a POS poll showing that most Americans are happy with their current health insurance plans.
A POS poll was quoted in the Cumberland Times News showing that 23% of parents with children under three years old have deliberately left them in unattended automobiles.