John Baer of reports on a poll conducted by POS regarding next year’s PA Senate race:

Data released yesterday by respected national pollster Neil Newhouse, of Public Opinion Strategies, says that Ridge wins both races (by 37 percentage points over Toomey; by 7 over Specter) if the race were held today.

The Morning Call’s Pennsylvania Ave. blog has the poll’s  interview schedule. Other stories on this poll can be found at The Patriot-News, the  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and The Scorecard.

Charlie Cook quotes Neil Newhouse’s previous blog post in his column:

Public Opinion Strategies’ pollster Neil Newhouse put it well on his firm’s blog when he wrote: “For Republicans, this data reinforces the need to put aside the outdated targeting recipe for victory… and replace it with one that calls for more cross-party partisan support in order to achieve victory…. The current partisan affiliation data is the clear death knell for the ‘base-style’ campaigns favored by some in the early part of this decade.”

Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire and Ben Smith of Politico also mention the post Cook cites.

Dick Polman mentions Bill McInturff in his column this past Sunday:

A new national poll, conducted by Republican pollster Bill McInturff and Democratic pollster Peter Hart, reports that only 20 percent of Americans identify themselves as Republicans, the lowest figure in decades.

“Glenallen Walken” at also cites recent POS polling:

The polling data reflects this. Numbers out this week from the firm Public Opinion Strategies — and reflected in other surveys I’ve seen — show that while Obama remains personally very popular, his agenda has been gradually but steadily losing support. But his personal popularity is not enough to keep things moving his way over the long term; at least I don’t think it can, because the level of change he is pushing as he goes about “the work of remaking America” is so dramatic.

Over the weekend, Mark Blumenthal linked to several posts here.

Mental Health America announced that Bill McInturff will be a panelist in a discussion of American opinion on health care at their June conference in Washington.

Public Opinion Strategies