The Corner on National Review online quotes Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels’ approval rating from a Public Opinion Strategies poll.
A recent Public Opinion Strategies Poll conducted on behalf of Indiana Realtors puts Gov. Mitch Daniels’ (R) approval rating at 69 percent with 29 percent disapproving. The poll comes on Daniels’ 60th birthday today. The right/wrong track numbers for Indiana stood at 50-42%…Gov. Daniel’s image has improved a net-13 points since late September, 2008.
Howey Politics Indiana mentions the same poll and includes a quote from Gene Ulm.
“Just as the Governor’s job approval has grown since election day, his image has continued to improve as well,” said pollster Gene Ulm. The poll was taken April 1-2 of 600 likely voters statewide. Sixty-eight percent of the voters have a favorable opinion of Daniels while 28% have an unfavorable opinion. (The POS Sept. 29/30, 2008 survey showed 58% favorable – 31% unfavorable.) “In short, Gov. Daniel’s image has improved a net-13 points since late September, 2008,” Ulm said. “In summary, Daniels’ strong image and job approval makes him one of the strongest Governor’s in the country – regardless of party. And, his support is bolstered by a wealth of voters who support the direction the state is headed despite their pre-occupation with the poor economic environment. This result shouldn’t be a shock – by a 42%-19% margin, our September survey’s respondents believed things in Indiana were going to get better rather than worse.”
The Colorado Independent lists Lori Weigel as a guest on a Rocky Mountain PBS talk show.
The StartUp blog at mentions a 2006 Public Opinion Strategies poll concerning the slaughter and sale of horsemeat for human consumption.
n 2006, it is estimated that more than 100,000 U.S. horses were inhumanely slaughtered for human consumption to supply European and Asian markets. Americans do not eat horsemeat, and a Public Opinion Strategies poll found that nearly 70% of Americans oppose the slaughter of horses for human consumption overseas.
Bruce Ritche from includes the results of a poll measuring support of the Florida Forever land-buying program.
The poll of 600 registered voters found that 81 percent had a “positive impression” of the program and that 67 percent supported continued funding for the program. The funding support was the same for Democrats, Republicans and those with no party affiliations, according to The Nature Conservancy.
The Florida Forever Coalition commissioned the poll by Public Opinion Strategies on March 18 and 19. The error rate for the poll was 4 percent.