Paul West of the Baltimore Sun quotes Glen Bolger in his article about the possible political change of tide.

“Republicans are in better shape now than we were in November or even January,” says Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster who conducts surveys for National Public Radio. “We’ve seen some modest movement for Republicans on party identification.”

That’s not to say that “suddenly, everything’s wonderful” for Republicans, he cautions. “It’s not like [voters] are in love with the Republicans.”

This quote is also mentioned in the Sun’s Maryland Politics blog here.

Kelly Davis of talks about the impact of raising the cigarette tax in South Carolina, pointing to the results of a January POS poll.

Increasing the cigarette tax is overwhelmingly popular with South Carolina voters. A poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies in December 2008 shows that 74 percent of South Carolina voters favor a 93-cents-per-pack cigarette tax as part of an effort to reduce tobacco use, particularly among kids, and to help fund state health care programs. reports that a Southern Louisiana town rejected traffic light cameras by an overwhelming margin and discusses the poll POS conducted in Arizona in January on traffic cameras.

In January, ATS hired Public Opinion Strategies to generate a similar survey showing 63 percent of Arizona voters supported speed cameras. Although traffic cameras frequently enjoy enthusiastic support in public opinion research sponsored by the industry, photo enforcement has never succeeded with voters on election day.

Public Opinion Strategies