Yael T. Abouhalkah, of the Kansas City Star, writes about a red light camera survey mentioned in yesterday’s POS in the News:
Still, the findings came from the office of respected pollster Neil Newhouse.
And they back up the general feeling that the public wants lawbreakers to be caught with the cameras, as long as the law is fairly applied and cities don’t try to trap motorists just to collect more revenue.
In an article entitled “Stocks Should Matter to Obama“, Gerald Seib of the Wall Street Journal writes about the latest WSJ/NBC survey:
On the psychological front, Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducts the Journal/NBC poll with Mr. Hart, says recent polling indicates that economic confidence began to plunge when housing prices and the stock market both dropped, suggesting that rebuilding consumer confidence will require both stable real-estate prices and a “decent” Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Indeed, Mr. McInturff notes that in a January Journal/NBC poll, equal percentages of Americans cited the decline in the stock market and the broader slowdown in the economy as a factor having “a great deal” of impact on them. In other words, people were as likely to feel hurt by the stock market’s decline as by the overall economic decline.
Seib also quotes McInturff on the political ramifications of the stock market conditions:
On a purely political level, Mr. Obama surely has noticed that his ideological foes are starting to point to the stock market as an indicator of low faith in his economic policies. “If I were one of his advisers,” says Mr. McInturff, “I would certainly see this as an additional rationale for trying to keep the market at least no worse than where it was when he became president — and hopefully better.”
The Kansas City Star also discusses the WSJ/NBC survey results.
Geoffrey Dickens of Newsbusters mentions the same WSJ/NBC survey results as he discusses the Today Show’s coverage this week.