Ben Goddard of The Hill writes about the recent NPR poll
Polls show that voters don’t agree with the senators. Rather than overreaching, they see the president as multitasking, and they think it is high time someone in Washington started doing that. A poll for the Pew Research Center found a solid 56 percent majority rejecting the suggestion that Obama is trying to do too much. Another survey conducted for National Public Radio by the bipartisan team of Public Opinion Strategies and Greenburg Quinlan Rosner found strong support for the president’s economic recovery plans. Fifty-six percent approved of the way Obama was handling the mess we are in. And they share his priorities for fixing things. Overwhelmingly, they say the president and Congress should be paying the most attention to the economy and jobs. Healthcare ties for second place with taxes and spending. Education is third most important, easing out the war in Iraq and terrorism on the list of critical issues.
Power Line also mentions the poll
PAUL adds: As I noted last night, a poll taken for NPR by Public Opinion Strategies and Greenberg Quinlan Rosner on March 10-12, 14 found basically the same thing. It had the two parties even on generic congressional preference.
In The Fix on the, Chris Cillizza mentions Glen Bolger’s post.