In an article about presidential popularity and the national debt, Newsweek mentioned Bill McInturff’s work with the Peter G. Peterson foundation.

Research by Bill McInturff and Peter Hart cited by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation puts the matter in even more telling perspective: 66 percent of registered voters say the deficit and debt pose a “very big threat to our country and its future,” more than twice as many as say global warming does. linked to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation press release about the recent POS survey. mentions the recent poll conducted for state Sen. Tim Burchett in Tennessee, who plans to run as the Republican candidate for Knox County Mayor in 2010.

The poll of 500 likely Republican primary voters done by Public Opinion Strategies of Washington, D.C., on Monday and Tuesday nights showed that 53 percent of participants likely or definitely would vote for Burchett, 26 percent for Hutchison, and 3 percent for Lewis Cosby, an accountant who’s said he’s running. The remaining participants, or 19 percent, were undecided in the poll.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Glen Bolger in an article about the Virginia governor race.

With a third of the electorate, the suburbs of northern Virginia outside Washington — where Mr. McDonnell grew up before moving to Virginia Beach — have been a killing field for GOP candidates. “To win, a Republican needs about 42%, 43% in northern Virginia,” says Glen Bolger, Mr. McDonnell’s pollster. Presidential candidate John McCain in 2008, Sen. George Allen in 2006, and the Republican gubernatorial candidate in 2005, Jerry Kilgore, each got less than 40%. They all lost.

Public Opinion Strategies