The NPR bi-partisan polling team of Glen Bolger from Public Opinion Strategies and Stan Greenberg from Greenberg Quinlan, Rosner Research just released a new survey this morning.
The survey found:
A new NPR poll shows that President Obama’s job approval rating is still high — 59 percent — and among likely voters surveyed, the Democratic position on issues was favored across the board. Still, there’s some reason for Republicans to hope. . .
. . .Then there’s the president’s job approval rating: a healthy 59 percent overall, and 56 percent on handling the economy. It is down from the mid-60s, but it’s just about where the past 4 presidents have been at this point in their terms.
Still, inside the Obama approval rating, there are data that are heartening to Republicans who have been waiting a long time for some good news — and Bolger is one of them.
“What I find encouraging is that in this survey, he’s under 50 percent approval among independent voters,” Bolger said. “I thought that, you know, given his rock star status, that he was going to be stronger longer with independents. But independents are becoming a little more skeptical. They haven’t turned on him by any stretch, but he’s not up on the pedestal among independents like he had been right after the election and right around the inauguration.”
Link to the questionnaire with the results here. We’ve also got charts of the results.
I will be posting more in-depth findings from the survey throughout the week, so be sure to check back.