(The article was co-authored by Matthew Jason.) We have all heard about how the young voters helped elect President Barack Obama last year, and it is very hard to argue this fact. According to CNN Exit Polls, Obama defeated McCain sixty-six percent (66%) to thirty-two percent (32%) among voters ages 18-24 and sixty-six percent (66%) […]
It certainly looks that way according to the trend lines. I’ve been keeping tabs on movement in the West, and the positive shifts we have seen this year point to a very different electoral environment than what we faced in November of 2008. Most notably … the generic congressional ballot. Given our volume of national […]
It’s of no surprise to anyone that the partisan gap between Republicans and Democrats has widened over the past two-three years. Our recent national poll (April 19-21, 800 registered voters) pegs the partisan affiliation data at 30% GOP, 37% DEM and 32% IND. In an effort to probe a little deeper into the GOP attrition, […]
The Los Angeles Times quotes Neil Newhouse in an article about Chrysler filing for bankruptcy. The White House’s deep involvement in the Chrysler bankruptcy proceedings means Obama will be blamed if it turns out badly by hurting union members and retirees, said Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster. “After 100 days in office, this is another […]
So, our POS poll shows President Obama sitting on top of the world. He’s got a 63% approval rating and he’s nearly single-handedly shifted the mood of the country from 12% right direction in November to 40% right direction now. (Come on now, it’s certainly not the rising unemployment rate, the surging deficit, the flagging […]
It was a revelatory moment when I moderated a focus group of Congressional Hill staffers earlier this year and they laughed, no, jeered really, at the mention of billions of dollars. “Billions?” one scoffed. “It’s all trillions these days.” Such may be the warped world of Washington, but at least spending trillions of […]
Our most recent national survey asked a battery of questions on President Obama’s economic policies and the stimulus. In a nutshell, when it comes to Americans: 55% support it; 56% support it and either believe it will work or hope it will work; 57% believe it will help most Americans, and 50% believe it will […]
Results of the latest NBC-Wall Street Journal survey conducted by Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies and Peter Hart of Hart Research Associates are available. The national survey was conducted April 23-26, 2009 among 1,005 adults.
First Read quotes Bill McInturff as he discusses the recent NBC/WSJ poll: Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducted this survey with Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, says these numbers suggest “someone who is wearing well” with the public at this stage of his presidency. McInturff, in fact, even compares Obama’s early likeability to Ronald Reagan’s […]
Voters were not misguided when they elected Barack Obama last November. They knew he was liberal, but it just didn’t matter because he wasn’t George W. Bush. The Obama Administration’s sharp turn to the Left since taking office is starting to leave a mark on voters. In the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal survey, voters labeling […]