Do’s and Don’ts for GOP Campaigns
  • DO stay focused on the big picture. This election is about big things – economy/jobs, spending, keeping taxes from increasing, health care – all of which are related to the growth of the size and scope of government.


  • DON’T focus a lot of effort on issue cul-de-sacs like the World Trade Center Mosque or illegal immigration. The issues mentioned in the bullet point above are MUCH more powerful.


  • DO hammer your Democratic opponent as having worked with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to pass an agenda that has added trillions to the deficit but failed to deliver anything but bigger government.


  • DON’T attack President Obama personally. Stick to critiquing his policies – there is certainly plenty there. Making personal remarks is not worth the risk of overreaching on any kind of snide comments about his family, his ethnicity, his ancestry.


  • DO have a specific part of your campaign plan targeted to senior citizens. They are voting Republican by twelve points, but Democrats will attempt to smash that bond with negative ads.


  • DON’T come out for Social Security privatization. It’s the only issue Democrats have that cuts. If you have already come out for it, be ready – because it will be the main focus of the Democratic attack on you. If attacked, you have to respond aggressively and clarify your stance for the voters (voluntary, only would apply to the young).


  • DO take advantage of the increased enthusiasm of Republican voters. They are primed and raring to go – give your volunteers lots to do.


  • DO communicate that you share people’s frustrations and concerns with the direction of the economy and government.


  • DO have some ideas to run on. . .while this election is a referendum on the Democrats running Washington, it is important to project confidence that you are going to help get the country turned around.
Public Opinion Strategies