We continue to closely monitor public polling on the Coronavirus to share with friends and clients.

Our first iteration (3/9) can be found here, our second iteration (3/26) can be found here and a the most recent version can be found here. Among the key findings:

  • Americans continue to look to the health care industry to lead the fight against the Coronavirus:
    • 84% of Americans rate how their local doctors/hospitals have handled the outbreak as excellent or good, the highest among all entities (including the CDC) asked.
    • The Coronavirus outbreak has elevated Americans’ already-positive views of doctors/nurses/hospitals. More than 6 in 10 adults have a more positive view of doctors/nurses/hospitals since the Coronavirus outbreak started.
    • But it’s not just providers – 4 in 10 Americans have a more favorable image of the pharmaceutical industry, while 6 in 10 believe providers and the pharmaceutical industry should lead the way on providing solutions.
  • Americans are deeply concerned about the effects on the economy. Economic confidence has plummeted and 4 in 10 Americans have lost income from a job or business, been laid off or had hours reduced without pay.
  • Americans’ mental health is suffering as a result of the Coronavirus. 45% of Americans say the worry/stress related to the Coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health.
    • But, there is a sense of optimism among Americans. Despite the anxiety and uncertainty, nearly 9 in 10 Americans are confident that we will get through this and be okay.
  • The Coronavirus outbreak will likely lead to some long term behavioral changes. Fewer than one-half of Americans say they would fly on a plane, take public transportation, go to a gym class or a sporting event within six months of things returning to normal. 12% say they would never shake someone’s hand again.
  • The Coronavirus outbreak has had a significant impact on opinions of privacy issues. 7 in 10 Americans are willing to share their mobile location data in exchange for alerts about high risk areas, while 6 in 10 support government officials having access to anonymous mobile location data to monitor whether communities are practicing social distancing.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Public Opinion Strategies