America Transformed: The Impact of COVID-19 in 10 charts

In only 10 charts we show some of the most dramatic shifts in a month we have witnessed:

  •  A 51 point increase in American voters saying they are worried that they or a family member might get coronavirus.
  •  A precipitous drop in rating the economy with a 25 point decline in only 24 days in people rating the economy as excellent or good.
  • 36% of respondents saying they have either lost their job or health insurance, had their wages cut, or worry about losing their job/their wages being cut, which is 57% of all of those in the labor force.
  • A once in a lifetime finding as roughly two-thirds of Republicans and Democrats approve the expansion of government in today’s economy.

Click here to see and learn more about this stunning transformation in American life.


Public Opinion Strategies