On behalf of hims & hers, Public Opinion Strategies conducted a national survey of 1,008 adults January 25-31, 2024.

Among other findings, the survey found:

  • Fully two-thirds of Americans (67%) say access to medical care is a problem where they live, up from 58% who said the same in February 2021 (when we were just eleven months into the COVID-19 pandemic).
  • Americans continue to recognize the gravity of the mental health situation in America. Fully 92% of Americans believe mental health issues are a very serious or somewhat serious problem in the U.S., while just 44% believe that people in the U.S. can access the mental and behavioral care they need.
  • Fully 54% of Americans have now had a telehealth visit – and satisfaction among telehealth users remains high. Fully 89% of those who have used telehealth say they were satisfied with their most recent visit – in four years of tracking surveys, this number has never dropped below 86%.
  • Fully two-thirds of Americans (67%) support legislation to expand patient access to asynchronous telehealth, compared to 33% who oppose.
  • A majority of Americans have heard about weight loss drugs like Ozempic – and a majority support doctors who provide care through telehealth platforms being allowed to prescribe these drugs.

Please click Here for a key findings memo from the survey.

Public Opinion Strategies