On behalf of hims & hers, Public Opinion Strategies conducted a national survey of 1,008 adults February 7-13, 2023.
Among other findings, the survey found:
- Fully two-thirds of Americans (66%) say access to medical care is a problem where they live, up from 58% who said the same a year ago.
- Satisfaction among telehealth users remains high. Fully 86% of those who have had a telehealth appointment say they were satisfied with their most recent visit.
- Large majorities of telehealth users indicate that using telehealth has kept them from missing time at work (68% of telehealth users) or has kept them from skipping or delaying care if they had to see a doctor in-person instead (61% of telehealth users).
- An overwhelming majority of Americans (84%) believe that telehealth will be a regular part of how many Americans receive health care in the future.
- More than two-thirds of Americans (67%) support legislation to expand patient access to asynchronous telehealth, compared to 33% who oppose.